Listen to what Dean Graziosi, the creator of the Knowledge Broker Blueprint & Mindmint Software, has to say about how he goes about how the software the he’s created and invested over $1M to build ensures success.
This is the 5th question of 7 questions that Nick Unsworth and I asked Dean Graziosi at his offices in Scottsdale, Arizona.
I think it’s brilliant that Dean Graziosi & Tony Robbins created implementation software to go along with their course, Knowledge Broker Blueprint. It’s proving to make it easier for the members to implement what they are learning and put it into play in their businesses.
This is why I believe Dean & Tony have more than 1,000 documented wins and 150,000 Facebook comments every month in their Facebook Group that comes with the course and the software.
You see, last year, they enrolled 24,000 members into it and that was KBB 1.0. They worked out all of the bugs and got feedback from all of the members.
Now, February 27th – March 9th, 2020 they are releasing a new version that’s even better and more robust.
Don’t miss out on the chance to get the course and software if you don’t already own it for yourself.
Even if just for the bonuses that we put together to support you on your journey of turning your skills or knowledge into a business that blesses you and blesses others.
We have gone ALL IN on helping Tony & Dean make self-education the new norm because people are tired of learning the traditional way and are tired of having to do their own trial and error. That’s where you come in with specialized knowledge that is specific to what you know and what has produced results in your business or life.
That’s what people are willing to invest in and pay for. Think about it… who would you rather learn from? A professor who is book smarts but never did it before or a professor who is in the market and is producing results every single day?
The answer is obvious right? That’s why the self-education industry is set to triple from $325M per day to $1B per day according to Forbes.com
You have an opportunity to ride the self-education wave. Don’t let is pass you by. Now is your time.
Listen to what Dean Graziosi has to say about why you should get all of our 15+ KBB Bonuses before you purchase Tony Robbins & Dean’s course and software to help you turn your skill or knowledge into a business that blesses others…
Click here to see all of our bonuses that you get for free when you use our link to purchase Tony & Dean’s brand new course, Knowledge Broker Blueprint and Mindmint Software.
If you have any questions reach out and let us know how we can help. We are here to support you and our team of more than 20 people are at your service.
In your corner,
Bryan Dulaney
Did you see interview question #1 about “why Dean Graziosi is so passionate about masterminds and the self-education industry?” Read more and watch the interview here.
Also, watch this interview with Dean where we asked him, “When getting started: Why masterminds among anything else?”