Listen to what Dean Graziosi has to say about why he is so passionate about masterminds and the growing Self-Education industry is set to triple to $1B per day by 2025.
This is the first question of 7 questions that we asked Dean Graziosi at his offices in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Masterminds and choosing the right mentors have been the two things that have moved the needle in my life and business more than anything else.
I believe that everyone should be in a mastermind and at some point in your career, you should consider starting a mastermind.
What is a mastermind?
According to Napoleon Hill, the author of Think & Grow Rich describes a mastermind as, “The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony… no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind”, also known as, the Mastermind.”
For Dean Graziosi, for Tony Robbins, for Nick Unsworth and I… masterminds are what we continually invest in because they have made such an impact on our personal and professional lives. If you want to get ahead in business and in life, I would encourage you to either start a mastermind, join a mastermind or do both like we all do.
Why is the Self-Education Industry set to triple from $325M per day to $1B per day according to Forbes.com?
I believe it’s set to triple because people are tied of two things:
#1: The Traditional Education system is broken. People are realizing this and are seeking specialized knowledge and wisdom from those who are in the field making it happen and producing results in their respective field.
Think about… you go to college to get a degree and spend 100’s of thousands of dollars like I have. Then you get a degree and you go to get a good job paying just enough to pay your bills. That’s not freedom and that’s not living in my opinion. Too many people are stuck in this trap.
#2: Nobody wants to do trial and error. Why would you? You can learn from someone else who has been there and done that before. You can learn from their experience and shortcut the learning curve.
People are waking up to the fact that when you learn from someone who is producing results, that is the better path. Specialized skills and knowledge will move the needle faster for you.
Now, if you want to go slow and hit pot holes on the way without a guide or mentor or mastermind group. Fine. That’s your choice.
You will come to find, as I have, that surrounding yourself with the right people including coaches and mentors who can guide you on the path. This is the fastest path to get where you want to go in life and in business.
This is why the self education industry is tripling from $325M per day to $1B per day by 2025 according to Forbes.com
Listen to what Dean Graziosi has to say about why you should get all of our 15+ KBB Bonuses before you purchase Tony Robbins & Dean’s course and software to help you turn your skill or knowledge into a business that blesses others…
Click here to see all of our bonuses that you get for free when you use our link to purchase Tony & Dean’s brand new course, Knowledge Broker Blueprint and Mindmint Software.
If you have any questions reach out and let us know how we can help. We are here to support you and our team of more than 20 people are at your service.
In your corner,
Bryan Dulaney