In this interview with Dean Graziosi in the Top 10 Affiliate Mastermind with Tony Robbins at West Palm Beach, Florida just about a month ago I asked him several questions.

In this video, I asked, “Who Are The 3 People You Would Hire?”

Listen to what Dean Graziosi has to say…

I think those hires are great.  I would hire slightly different people from my perspective… so be sure to listen to how Dean and I answer this question.

As Russell Brunson says, “It’s not about “what” or “how” it’s about “who”… Who is on your team that is helping you launch your expertise online and scale your impact?

A common denominator to the most successful people in the self-education industry is that they do NOT try to do everything themselves.  In fact, those that do almost inevitably get minimal results.

Think about it: How do you accelerate your success?  I would propose that you align with those who have specialized knowledge in this industry and who already have awesome results for their clients, like we do, and leverage each other’s greatest skills.  That’s the faster path to success and impact in this industry.  I just let you in on a huge secret.

Please please… don’t try to do it all yourself.

If you would love to get off the sidelines and join the “Digital Revolution” by Building & Launching Your Own Digital Product (from anywhere in the world – even if you’re not an expert or don’t have a huge following!)… I would encourage you to register here for a 5-Day Free LIVE Challenge that Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi are hosting on May 11th, 2021.  I will be participating and supporting them again this year like we did the last two (2) years… but this time EVEN BIGGER & BETTER… if you know what I mean 😉

Stay tuned for more videos as we are dropping more than 20 videos in the next couple weeks to help you on your journey to take advantage of the Self Education Revolution!

In your corner,

Bryan Dulaney

P.S. If you want to skip to the front of the line and rather than do it all yourself you would rather hire the best of the best to build it with you and for you… you can apply to work with my team and I one-on-one.  That is the fastest path to having the impact that you desire.